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Catégorie : le Collège

Mise à jour nationale sur la certification : novembre 2020

The Canadian College of Health Information Management provides monthly updates on the status of its four certifications. This could include important deadlines, process changes, information about resources, highlighting successes, and more. Here are the updates as of November 30, 2020: For those who have…

Mise à jour nationale sur la certification : octobre 2020

The Canadian College of Health Information Management provides monthly updates on the status of its four certifications. This could include important deadlines, process changes, information about resources, highlighting successes, and more. Here are the updates as of October 28, 2020: Official certificates will be…

Consulter les intervenants sur les concentrations de diplômes et de grades pour les principes fondamentaux de l’information sur la santé

On October 2, 2020 the Canadian College of Health Information Management (College) introduced the Health Information Fundamentals Curricular Standards (fundamentals standards) and the Fundamentals Framework for Health Information Programs (framework). Within this framework, accredited diploma programs will include a concentration that will offer a…

Le Centre de formation continue de l’Université McMaster offre un programme d’information sur les principes fondamentaux de la santé qui sera lancé à l’automne 2021

Le Collège canadien de gestion de l’information sur la santé (Collège) est fier d’annoncer que le Centre de formation continue de l’Université McMaster (CCE) lancera un programme d’information fondamentale sur la santé prévu pour l’automne 2021. Le Collège est fier de travailler aux côtés…

Le Collège canadien de gestion de l’information sur la santé présente les principes fondamentaux de l’information sur la santé

New curricular standards and modular framework will support curriculum development to meet industry demand The Canadian College of Health Information Management (College) is pleased to introduce the Health Information Fundamentals Curricular Standards (fundamentals standards) that form the basis for foundational knowledge that industry requires…

Mise à jour nationale sur la certification : septembre 2020

The Canadian College of Health Information Management provides monthly updates on the status of its four certifications. This could include important deadlines, process changes, information about resources, highlighting successes, and more. Here are the updates as of September 29, 2020:

Partenariat stratégique entre l’Institut canadien d’information sur la santé, le Collège canadien de gestion de l’information sur la santé et l’Association canadienne de gestion de l’information sur la santé

L’Institut canadien d’information sur la santé (ICIS), le Collège canadien de gestion de l’information sur la santé (le Collège) et l’Association canadienne de gestion de l’information sur la santé (ACIDS) sont heureux d’annoncer un partenariat stratégique à compter de septembre 2020. Ce fier partenariat…

Une nouvelle identité pour le Collège canadien de gestion de l’information sur la santé

London, ONTARIO, September 24, 2020 — The Canadian College of Health Information Management (College) is excited to release its new brand identity today—one that represents integrity and trust. As a national, not-for-profit corporation that sets the accreditation standards for educational institutions and certification standards…

Présentation du conseil d’administration 2020-2021 du Collège canadien de gestion de l’information sur la santé et de l’ACIDS

The Canadian College of Health Information Management and CHIMA, Canada’s health information management association, held its joint annual general meeting virtually on June 11, 2020 with its members from across Canada electing 12 board members to its national board of directors. We are continuously…

Une nouvelle collaboration internationale – KAHIME se joint en tant que partenaire du Collège

The Canadian College of Health Information Management (College) is excited to announce a new partnership with the Korean Accreditation Board for Health and Medical Information Management Education (KAHIME).  KAHIME was founded in 2018 to perform research, further the development and evaluation/accreditation of health and…

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