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Program accreditation engagement: Call to participate

This call for participation and subsequent discussion is part of a quality assurance/improvement and program evaluation activity for the Canadian College of Health Information Management (College)’s program accreditation process (REB exclusion, Article 2.5 TCPS2).

Johnson Shoyama Graduate School of Public Policy – Master of Health Administration-Health Informatics and Information Management

Georgian College – Office Administration Health Services

Fanshawe College – Health Systems Management

This quality assurance process has two components:

  1. A call for participants to provide input into the quality improvement and program evaluation for the activities of the College’s program accreditation process.
  2. If a person consents to a discussion, a 15-minute engagement time may be setup.

Call for participants 

The College will make available the call for participation through The distribution of the call for participation will be targeted to those most likely to have information that is relevant to the program under review including active CHIMA members. The academic institution will be provided with the link and be asked to distribute it to people to encourage them to participate in this process.

If the respondent consents to a 15-minute qualitative research discussion, their identity will be known to the College.

15-minute discussions

  • The College is seeking three people per audience group pending they have consented during the call for participation
  • Discussions will be conducted virtually and will be scheduled for 15 minutes

How the information will be used

The information collected will be used to enable the quality assurance/improvement and program evaluation for accreditation.

  • All information provided back to the academic institution will be anonymized and summarized
  • Aggregate findings from the call for participation and discussion will be provided as part of the final report
  • Results will be held in confidence between the College and the academic institution for which the call for participation and discussions are being conducted

How the information will be stored 

  • All information will be stored on servers located in Canada
  • All individual responses from the call for participation and discussion will be deleted once the final report for accreditation is issued 
  • A copy of the final report will be stored by the College

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