Frequently asked questions
How will instructors learn/know the information they will be required to teach?
Programs have at their disposal many resources, including those we provide. We do not require our academic partners to leverage specific resources.
It is the responsibility of academic programs to curate resources to support the developed curriculum and train their faculty.
In addition, we have committed to building our College Educational Resources Program (CERP) that will provide resources and reference materials to help our academic programs as we evolve together.
How does the College ensure consistency in learning without a standard list of educational references?
The health information fundamentals curricular standards are consistent and provide the foundation for the national certification examination blueprint. Giving flexibility to programs to curate their resources ensures the tailoring of content within the context of the learning level (e.g., certificate, diploma, degree) and regional focus.
How will existing certified members be educated on the Health Information Fundamentals curricular standards?
We will provide additional resources to certified members once the standards are made public. Furthermore, we welcome the opportunity to publish (through CHIMA) approved modules from our academic partners.
Will health information programs be ahead of the implementation of this framework in health systems?
Each school has flexibility in the adoption of the standards, until 2029. During consultations, programs asked for a longer lead time for transition to the new standards. Other frameworks (e.g., OCAP, CIHI) are published and evolving in health systems across Canada currently.